Interest Groups

The Easton Branch has several interest groups created to stimulate discussions, encourage networking, and support the community. Every group looks forward to new participants. If you have ideas for additional groups, let us know.

Book Discussion
Contact Susan McNamara
Members choose fiction and non-fiction and discuss one book at each meeting. Meetings are held at the individual members’ homes.
3rd Monday, 2:00 pm

Monday, September 16,  2 pm
Hostess: Rosemary. Baker

Book: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

International Relations
Contact Fran Kennedy
Members meet to discuss current issues and important figures in the news in our ever more global environment.
4th Tuesday, 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday, September 24, 2 pm
Hostess:  Phyllis Finger

Topic: The International Court of Justice – 

Afternoon Bridge
Contact Rosemary Baker
Members meet every Tuesday or Wednesday

Out To Lunch
Contact Claire Degnan
Members meet for lunch once a month, weather and holidays permitting. All AAUW members are welcome to join this group. Call Claire if you would like to join this group.

Usually 1st Wednesday or Thursday at 12:30 p.m.

Date: TBD
Location: TBD

Mah Jongg
Contact Becky Goldenberg 
Members are beginners learning how to play the game of Mah Jongg, American version.
2nd and 4th Monday at 1:30 pm

Monday, June 10 , Randi
Monday, June 24, Rosemary

Tapas Dining
Contact:  Phyllis Finger

This is a group of AAUW members, (partners welcomed) who will meet to explore small dish dining. Each member will bring a dish to share. If you are interested in being a hostess, please contact a member of the Leadership Team.
Tapas events are held the third Sunday evening of the month at 5 pm

Hostess: Looking for a hostess for a a summer get together

Stitch and B’

Chair: Toni Hoffman
This is a handicraft group open to all members. Bring a new or ongoing needlework project – knitting, embroidery, sewing – and a love of good conversation.

Thursday, June 6, 2:30 pm
Hostess:  Toni Hoffman

Women & Science
Chair: Susan McNamara
This group meets quarterly to discuss issues relevant to women in science or general scientific topics.

Thursday, July 18, 1:30 pm
Hostess:John Cosgrove
Topic: The Light Eaters  by Zoe Schlanger

Walking Group
Chair: Fran Kennedy
This group meets every Friday at 9:00 am to walk on different paths in the Easton area.
On hiatus  for the near future.

Call Fran for more information.