Presidents’ Pen

I hope everyone enjoyed the Spring and is ready for the sun-kissed days of Summer!  Although many of us are ready for the relaxation, travel and less-scheduled days that Summer typically brings, our committees have been busy making sure things in our branch continue progressing forward. We have a program committee which has been busy planning interesting programs for the upcoming months. Our membership committee continues to work on both increasing our membership as well as maintaining our current level of membership.   I know the mission of the AAUW is one which you are passionate about. I encourage you to channel this passion and become more involved.  There are many opportunities for more members to become involved, such as Girls’ Recognition Night, the program committee or the membership committee. Perhaps YOU are interested in one of these areas. Please let Lisa or Fran know if you have any questions or would like more information on any of our committees.

In June we celebrated Juneteenth, commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. I choose to close with the following quote, which I believe to be appropriate not only for Juneteenth, but for all the oppressed.    

“We are not ready to fight because we love fighting. We are ready to fight because we are worth fighting for.”                   Zoé Samudzi 

Fran and I wish you all a wonderful relaxing summer filled with fun, family and friends.
Join us in September for a new and exciting programmatic year.

Lisa and Fran