Presidents’ Pen

Welcome to 2025. 

There is so much news as the end of President Biden’s term nears. Much of what he is doing, I feel should have been done long ago…and how much justice will be done away with in the new administration. In my mind, that makes it even more important to be a member of AAUW, a women’s organization that has consistently stood up for the rights and equality of women.We must support the positive actions that National tries to take on behalf of all women. Two actions that particularly stand out to me are the ratifications of the Equal Rights Amendment, long overdue, and the interpretation of Title IX just published in the Department of Education directive which, if upheld, “will alter the way many schools plan to pay their athletes in the future revenue-sharing world of college sports.”

Welcome to 2025.

There are exciting programs planned for February and beyond. Our February program, on February 1 at the Palmer Library, will be a discussion of Rachelle Bergstein’s book, The Genius of Judy. Did you read the Judy Blume books as a child or did your children read them? What were your reactions, what were their reactions? What impact did these books have? Come, join the discussion and bring your friends.

Our annual Evening at the Williams Center takes place in March. Before the event, Phyllis Finger is hosting a tapas get together at her home. As we have no fundraiser scheduled this year, please consider making a donation to our scholarship fund and/or to our Girls Recognition Night program. This year, our branch is awarding five scholarships of $3,000 each to local high school graduating seniors and/or to women whose college education has been interrupted but are now ready to resume their education.

Please volunteer for the fourth year of our popular Girls Recognition Night on May 1.

February is Black History Month and I suggest watching The Six Triple Eight movie on Netflix. This is another story based on true events in World War II that most of us know nothing about. I do remember a lot from the 60’s and how difficult it was for a friend of mine from Guyana to travel in this country. And even in the 70’s, learning how a Peace Corps friend, married to a Ghanian, had to adjust travel to Florida always keeping the color barrier in mind to protect his wife. Just a few of my reflections and not just in the month of February.

Lisa and I will not be continuing as co-presidents next year. A nominating committee has been formed and committee members  will be making calls. Please consider how you can step up and contribute so that our branch may continue our exciting programs and good work in the community.
