Let’s Read Math

Let’s Read Math™

Several years ago, summertime meant Let’s Read Math™ lessons at the Easton and Palmer Libraries. Members from our branch would volunteer to work with groups of local children on Let’s Read Math™ lessons.

Just to refresh your memory – “Let’s Read Math™” is an initiative of AAUW.  Dr. Claire Passantino, from the Makefield Area (PA) Branch of AAUW, developed Let’s Read Math units that combined quality children literature books with themes related to mathematics and FUN math activities.  The goal is to build positive attitudes toward math.  Each lesson engages children and their parents in enriching and fun learning opportunities.

Let’s Read Math™ Summer 2024

Six lessons, six books for our Let’s Read Mathexperience this summer. These sessions will take place on Mondays at 1 pm at Easton Public Library from July 8 through August 12. The books used this season are:

The Greedy Triangle
Bart’s Amazing Charts
Wanda’s Roses
Grandfather Tang’s Box
The King”s Commissioner
How Big Is A Foot

Contact Karol D’Huyvetters (using the “Contact Us” page of our website) if you are interesting in volunteering for this activity.