AAUW Easton Branch Bylaws 2021
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the Easton Branch of AAUW, hereinafter known as the “Affiliate.”
Section 2. Affiliate. Easton Branch is an Affiliate of AAUW as defined in Article V.
Section 3. Legal Compliance. The Affiliate shall comply with the requirements of AAUW and federal, state, and local law. The bylaws of the Affiliate shall in no way conflict with the AAUW Bylaws and/or policies.
Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of AAUW is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. The purpose of the Affiliate is to further AAUW purposes and policies.
Section 2. Policies and Programs. In keeping with this purpose, the Affiliate shall promote equity, education, and development of opportunities for women and girls that enable them to realize their full potential.
Section 1. Policies and Programs. The policies and programs of AAUW shall be binding on all members engaged in AAUW activities, and no member shall use the name of AAUW to oppose such policies or programs.
Section 2. Proper Use of Name and Logo. The name and logo of AAUW may be used only by members (as defined below at Article IV, Section 2) and Affiliates (as defined below at Article V, Section 1) only according to policies and procedures established by the AAUW Board of Directors; others may do so only according to written licenses.
Section 3. Individual Freedom of Speech. These bylaws shall not abridge the freedom of speech of any AAUW member to speak an opinion in the member’s own name.
Section 1. Composition. The members of AAUW at present consist of members (“Individual Members”) and college/university members (“College/University Members”).
Section 2. Basis of Membership.
a. Individual Members.
(1) Eligibility. An individual holding an associate’s (or equivalent, e.g., RN), bachelor’s, or higher degree from a higher education institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S Department of Education (an “Accredited Higher Education Institution”) or other qualified educational institution located outside of the United States, as determined by the AAUW Board of Directors, shall be eligible to receive admission to AAUW membership; such membership shall be granted upon payment of AAUW dues. The provisions set forth in this section are the sole requirement for eligibility and admissibility to AAUW membership except that the AAUW Board of Directors may establish a process to assess credentials that are submitted based on degree equivalence.
(2) Appeals of Refusals of Admission to Membership. Any potential Individual Member or College/University Member who claims qualification for membership in AAUW and who has been refused admission to membership may present credentials to the AAUW Board of Directors for review. The decision of the AAUW Board of Directors shall be final.
(3) Saving Clause. No Individual Member shall lose membership due to any change in the status of the higher education institution upon which original qualification for membership was based.
(4) Life Membership.
(a) Paid. An Individual Member may become a life member (a “Life Member”) upon a one-time payment of twenty years’ annual AAUW dues, based on the amount of annual AAUW dues the year the Member elects to become a Life Member. Thereafter, the Life Member shall be exempt from the payment of AAUW national dues.
(b) Fifty-Year Honorary. An Individual Member who has paid AAUW dues for fifty years shall become a Life Member and shall thereafter be exempt from the payment of AAUW national dues.
b. College/University Members. Any Accredited Higher Education Institution or other qualified higher education institution located outside the United States, as determined by the AAUW Board of Directors, that pays annual dues to AAUW shall be eligible to be a College/University Member. Each College/University Member shall appoint one or two representatives who are eligible to be Individual Members and who shall each have the membership benefits of an Individual Member and any other benefits that accrue to representatives of College/University Members, as determined by the AAUW Board of Directors.
Section 3. Student Associates. The AAUW Board of Directors may permit undergraduate students enrolled in Accredited Higher Education Institutions or in other qualified educational institutions located outside the United States, as determined by the AAUW Board of Directors, to associate with AAUW, with fees (if any) and benefits as determined by the AAUW Board of Directors.
Section 4. Dues.
a. Amount. The annual dues and Member benefits for any category of member shall be established by a two-thirds vote of the AAUW Board of Directors. Members shall be notified of the intent to consider a change in the dues, the proposed amount, and the rationale for the change at least 60 days prior to the vote.
b. Payment. Member dues shall be payable in accordance with procedures established by the AAUW Board of Directors.
Section 5. Severance of Membership. Any Member may be suspended or removed from membership for any conduct that tends to injure AAUW or to adversely affect its reputation or that is contrary to or destructive of its mission according to these bylaws, with action taken following policies and procedures adopted by the AAUW Board of Directors. In addition, a College/University Member that is no longer eligible for membership shall be removed from membership as soon as practicable after it loses its eligibility.
Section 1. AAUW Affiliate Defined.
An AAUW Affiliate (“Affiliate”) is an organization affiliated with AAUW for the purpose of supporting AAUW’s mission through Affiliate programs, fundraising, networking, and/or other activities. Affiliates are typically nonprofit membership organizations under state law and may also have been recognized as tax-exempt 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organizations under the Internal Revenue Code. An Affiliate may use AAUW’s name and/or logo only if approved by the AAUW Board of Directors.
Section 2. Organization.
a. Purpose. Affiliates shall promote the purposes, programs, and policies of AAUW.
b. Bylaws. Affiliates shall develop bylaws as meet their needs. However, any such bylaws shall not conflict with AAUW Bylaws or with applicable law.
c. Structure. Affiliates may create such leadership structures as meet their needs. Each Affiliate shall provide AAUW with designated contacts for administration and finance.
Section 3. Loss of Recognition of an Affiliate.
a. The AAUW affiliation status of an Affiliate may be revoked for cause through affiliation review procedures specified by the AAUW Board of Directors.
b. The Affiliate shall have the right to appeal to the AAUW Board of Directors within a designated period.
Section 4. Property and Assets.
The title to all property, funds, and assets of an Affiliate is vested in the Affiliate. An Affiliate shall have complete control of its property and assets, except that such property and assets shall not be used for any purpose contrary to AAUW’s purposes. In the event of the dissolution of an Affiliate or the termination of an Affiliate’s affiliation with AAUW, all assets of the Affiliate shall be transferred and delivered to AAUW or to another Affiliate designated by AAUW. AAUW may solicit and consider recommendations from local leaders before making a designation.
The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Affiliate in all instances in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the AAUW Bylaws or with the requirements of AAUW or applicable laws.
AAUW-mandated amendments shall be implemented by the Affiliate’s board of directors without a vote of the Affiliate’s membership and as prescribed by the AAUW Board of Directors
Section 1. Nominations
- There shall be a nominating committee of no less than 3 members, elected or appointed by the president/leadership team. At least one member must have prior nominating committee experience.
- The term of service on the nominating committee shall be for 1 year(s) for a maximum of 3 consecutive terms.
- The names of the nominees for elected office shall be published and sent to every member at least 10 days prior to the annual branch meeting.
- Nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.
Section 2. Elections
- Elections shall be held at the annual affiliate meeting.
- Elections shall be by ballot unless there is only one nominee for a given office, in which case the election may be by a voice vote. Election shall be by a majority vote of those voting.
- Mail ballots or electronic voting may be used for elections, provided the number of members voting meets the quorum stated for meetings in Article Xlll.
Section 1. Officers
- The elected officers for the affiliate shall be president, membership vice president, and finance officer.
a.1. In the absence of a nominee for president, a Leadership Team shall be formed to assume the duties and responsibilities of the president and/or board of directors.
- The appointed officers shall be public policy chair, newsletter editor, AAUW Funds Chair, secretary, and any others deemed necessary by the board/leadership team. They shall be appointed by the president /leadership team.
- Elected officers shall serve for a term of 2 year(s). Term of office shall begin on July 1.
4. All vacancies in office shall be filled for the unexpired term by the board/ leadership team..
5. Each office may be filled by an officer or co-officers.
6. The following officers shall be elected in even years: President/Co-Presidents. The following officers shall be elected in odd years: Membership Vice President and Finance Officer.
Section 2. Duties
- Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, by the rules of policies and procedures adopted by the board of directors/leadership team, and by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
- The president or a member of the leadership team shall be the official spokesperson and representative for the Affiliate. The president/leadership team designee shall be responsible for submitting such reports and forms as required by AAUW, and will annually provide AAUW and AAUW-PA with the name of a designated person for Administration and Finance.
- Leadership team members shall perform such duties as necessary to conduct Affiliate business.
- The finance officer shall be responsible for collecting, distributing and accounting for the funds of the affiliate, for meeting specific deadlines, and presenting the books for an annual financial review.
- The secretary shall be designated as the member to record and keep minutes of all affiliate meetings.
ARTICLE X. Affiliate Administration
1. Composition. The board of directors/leadership team shall include the elected officers (Membership VP and Finance) and the appointed members (Public Policy Chair, Newsletter Editor, and Secretary, Historian).
Section 2. Administrative Responsibilities. The board/leadership team shall have the power to administer affairs of the Affiliate and to carry out its programs and its policies, and shall accept responsibilities delegated by AAUW [and the state]. It shall act for the Affiliate between membership meetings. The board/leadership team shall have fiscal responsibility as outlined in Article XIII , Financial Administration, Section 2.
Section 3. Meetings. Meetings of the board/leadership team shall be held at least 4 times a year at a time and place agreed upon by the board/leadership team.
Section 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president /member of leadership team or shall be called upon written request of 4 members of the board/leadership team provided that at least 10 days notice of such meeting and its agenda have been given to the members of the board/.leadership team.
Section 5. Quorum. The quorum for a meeting of the board/leadership team shall be a majority of the voting members. Co -officers shall be considered as one voting member of the board/leadership team.
Section 6. Voting Between Meetings. Between meetings of the Affiliate, a written or electronic vote of the Affiliate may be taken at the request of the president/leadership team on any question submitted to the Affiliate in writing provided that every member of the Affiliate shall have the opportunity to vote upon the question submitted. If a majority shall vote on any question so submitted, the vote shall be counted and shall have the same effect as if at an Affiliate meeting. The result of the vote shall be in the minutes of the next board meeting.
Section 7. Removal From Office. A member of the board/leadership team may be removed for any reason by a two thirds vote of the board/leadership team in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by AAUW.
Section 1. Establishing Committees. The president/leadership team may establish standing and special committees as needed with consent by the Affiliate.
Section 2. Purpose. With the approval of the Affiliate, each standing and special committee shall formulate programs and activities to carry out the mission of AAUW.
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall correspond with that of AAUW and shall begin on July 1.
Section 2. Financial Policies. The board/leadership team shall set and maintain policies and procedures to control financial records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and federal, state and local laws including an annual financial review.
Section 3. Budget. The board/leadership team shall adopt an annual budget for presentation to the Affiliate.
Section 1. Annual Meeting. The Affiliate shall hold an annual meeting to conduct the business of the Affiliate, including but not limited to, electing officers, establishing dues, amending bylaws and receiving reports. This meeting shall be held between the months of March and May.
Section 2. Membership Meetings. The Affiliate shall hold at least 4 business meetings during the fiscal year. The Affiliate shall determine the time and place for these meetings.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president/leadership team or at the written request of 4 members of the board or 25 percent of the Affiliate membership.
Section 4. Meetings Notice. Notice of meetings shall be sent to all members of the Affiliate at least 10 days prior to the meetings.
Section 5. Quorum. The quorum shall be a majority of the Affiliate membership.
Provisions of the Affiliate’s bylaws not mandated by AAUW may be amended by a two thirds (unless otherwise stipulated by state law) vote of members voting after a quorum is attained. Proposed bylaws amendments shall be sent to the entire membership at least 10 (10) days prior to the applicable meeting.
Every board/leadership team or committee member may be indemnified by the Affiliate against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such board/leadership team or committee members in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit, or proceeding to which the board/leadership team or committee member may become involved by reason of being or having been a member of the board/leadership team or committee, or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duties. In the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the Affiliate board/leadership team approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the branch. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which the member of the board/leadership team or committee is entitled.
Revised on: 5/18/2021
Easton Branch Policies
American Association of University Women
Branch Policies of Easton, Pennsylvania Branch
This policy sheet is intended as an aid to the Branch in maintaining tradition in certain areas which we feel need not, or perhaps should not be covered by the bylaws. It should be kept flexible by annual review of the board.
The AAUW Easton Branch shall represent to the community a clear purpose and commitment in keeping with the aims and purposes of AAUW. It shall study and act on those subjects of AAUW interest on three levels: community, state, and national.
The Branch shall cooperate with other local groups having similar interests. Interested people shall be invited as guests to our general meetings.
Study groups dealing with AAUW issues shall be encouraged to form. Their findings shall be brought to the general membership and, in case of recommendations, they shall be considered. To insure a climate of understanding of AAUW purpose, it is suggested that study groups have no more than 30% nonmembers (those not eligible for AAUW membership) and that such nonmembers pay a yearly fee to the Branch of 25% of the total AAUW, state, and branch dues. Social groups are open only to members.
Since their membership is recognized by AAUW, student affiliate members are eligible to participate in all interest groups.
New members of the branch are encouraged to attend an annual orientation meeting arranged by the membership vice president.
AAUW cannot support political candidates. However, AAUW members as individuals are encouraged to support candidates.
The branch shall clearly reflect in its study and action such basic AAUW interests as:
1. The four essential areas of AAUW: Community, Cultural Interests, Education, and International Relations;
2. Public policy issues;
3. Support of education through the local scholarship fund and AAUW Funds;
The Branch shall maintain an annual goal setting procedure by :
1. Discussing the branch annual goals at the summer board meeting;
2. Publishing the branch annual goals in the September newsletter;
3. Publish the results in the annual report edition of the newsletter.
Special Notice
To be published each year in the September newsletter:
Branch Recommendations
l. The branch shall encourage attendance at all AAUW conferences and conventions. All convention and conference expenses for the president/co-presidents and incoming president /co-presidents shall be paid by the branch. The board shall determine the portion of the expenses that the branch will pay which are incurred by other official delegates.
2. The outgoing president/co-presidents shall be presented with an appropriate token of appreciation upon completion of the term.
3. Organizations and projects not sponsored or supported by the branch that request financial aid shall be advised by the president/co-presidents that it is not in keeping with the policy and purposes of our organization to make a contribution.
4. Members shall be responsible for any reservations made for luncheon or dinner or social event unless canceled prior to the deadline set by the chair.
5. The president/co-presidents and newsletter editor shall prepare an annual report to be circulated to the branch membership in July.
6. In the event of the death of a member of the branch, a memorial gift by board action, shall be contributed to the AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship and Memorial Fund, with acknowledgment sent to the family by the recording secretary.
Outstanding Woman
1. Selection committee shall be comprised of the membership vice president who shall serve as chair, the immediate past recipient of the award, and one member of the membership committee, all of whom are AAUW Easton Branch members.
2. All work must be completed to meet the annual deadline of the PA state committee.
3. A committee member shall summarize the contributions the awardee has made to the branch and to the community in written form for use at the May Dessert and for use by the publicity chairperson. The honoree’s name shall remain confidential within the Easton Branch until the May Dessert when the award shall be presented.
4. Annual awards are not mandatory.
5. Qualifications for selection are accomplishments and contributions to society, to the community, to AAUW and to the Easton Branch.
AAUW Funds Named Gift Honoree
1. The Named Gift Honoree must be or must have been a member of the Easton Branch of AAUW.
2. The Named Gift Honoree must be nominated by an Easton Branch member. Nomination(s) can be in writing or orally and include the qualifications of the proposed nominee. Nominations must be given to the AAUW Funds chair or the branch president/co-presidents.
a. A request for nominations will be printed in the January and February newsletters and announced at the May meeting.
b. Annual awards are not mandatory.
3. The committee for the selection of Named Gift Honoree will be chaired by the AAUW Funds chair or president/co-presidents and include the immediate past president of the Easton Branch and three members of the Easton Branch.
a. If all five members of the committee cannot be present when the Named Gift Honorees are selected, a consensus via telephone calls and email is acceptable.
b. Records will be maintained by the AAUW Funds chair or branch president/co-presidents and shall include the names of Gift Honorees, dates and amounts of grants awarded.
4. The names of those chosen to be honored by Gifts will be published in the July newsletter and announced at the May meeting.
AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship and Memorial Fund
The AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship and Memorial Fund shall replace the AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship and the AAUW Easton Branch Memorial Fund.
The AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship Fund has been established to grant scholarships to graduating female high school students who wish to attend college to obtain a baccalaureate or associate degree. There were two separate funds.
1.) The Easton Branch Scholarship Fund grants scholarships to graduating female high school students who are planning to attend college to obtain a baccalaureate or associate degree. To be eligible, an applicant must:
- Demonstrate academic excellence by placing in the top 20% of the graduating class.
- Be accepted at a 2 or 4 year accredited college.
- Be planning to earn an AA, BA, or BS degree.
2.) The Easton Branch Memorial Fund (folded into the Scholarship Fund) has been established to grant scholarships to women returning to college to complete an AA, BA, or BS degree. To be eligible, an applicant must:
- Have completed at least one full academic year of college (no less than 24 credits) and been away from college one year or more.
- Be accepted at a 2 or 4 year accredited college and planning to earn an AA, BA, or BS degree
3. The AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship Committee shall determine how many recipients and the amount of each scholarship for each category. The total amount available for scholarship each year shall be based on the following formula:
Interest accrued by the Easton Branch Scholarship and Memorial Fund at the close of the previous fiscal year, June 30
75% of all monies raised by donations and branch fund-raisers in the current fiscal year*
*All remaining monies not distributed shall be reinvested as principal
4. The AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship committee shall consist of the following members:
AAUW Easton Branch Scholarship Fund chair, appointed by the branch president
An assistant, appointed by the chair, to aid in the distribution of the applications
Finance vice president
Previous member of the committee
President/Co-Presidents, ex-officio
5. Notification of scholarship application availability will be sent to the local high schools, colleges, newspapers and other local groups by February 1. The deadline for receipt of scholarship applications is the end of March. The scholarship recipients will be announced by April 30.
6. All scholarship recipients will be invited to attend the annual May Dessert.
7. The committee shall review the Branch Scholarship and Memorial Fund policy annually and make any recommendations for changes to the branch board.
Branch Policy for Use of Name
The following procedures shall be used to establish official positions for the use of the name “Easton Branch of AAUW”:
1. When the matter for which position is to be taken arises from study of an official committee and is known at least a month before the next branch meeting and before the newsletter deadline:
a. Questions to be voted on shall be clearly stated in the newsletter and members informed that a vote is to take place at the next meeting;
b. Insert shall be placed in the newsletter giving background of the issue, summary of results of committee study, and recommendation of study group;
c. Members who cannot attend the next branch meeting shall be given a chance to vote by mail:
l. The ballot must be received by the recording secretary before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken;
2. The word “ballot” must be clearly marked on the envelopes to remain sealed until the vote at the meeting is taken at which time they will be opened and the votes counted with those votes of members present.
d. Quorum rules and balloting shall be in accordance with branch bylaws.
2. When time does not permit a branch vote, i.e., an emergency stand:
a. Emergency stand must be on a studied position or in keeping with the stated purposes and policies of AAUW.
b. If time available in which to take a position is more than 48 hours, the following people will determine the merit of an issue and a simple majority thereof will be necessary to approve any stand to be taken in the name of the branch: President, vice presidents, and chair involved with the issue. If the number of people polled should be even, a tie vote will constitute a defeat of the stand.
c. If no more than 48 hours are available in which to determine a stand, only president, public policy chair, and/or issues chair will be necessary to determine the merit of a position. Any decision to take a stand in the name of the branch must be unanimous among the three or four voting.
A study committee to be official must be:
a. Approved by a majority of the executive committee;
b. Part of branch approved study issues.
Revised, reprinted 10/20